Launcelot Primary School & Nursery

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Aims and Values

 Our mission statement is quite simply:

Inspiration, Aspiration, Success

We see it as our duty to inspire our children, to enthuse them with a love of learning so that they can aim high and achieve their dreams. We endeavour in all of our work to ensure that our children enjoy coming to school, they have a quality curriculum that exposes them to new ideas and possibilities and they develop the skills they need in order to be successful.

 Our Aims:

Beneath the umbrella of ‘Inspiration, Aspiration, Success’ we have key beliefs about our children and our mission along with clear aims:

  • We are more than a school, we are a family. We believe that all children have the potential to achieve and all children are entitled to enjoy success. When we all play our part, everyone will benefit and we can create a brighter future for all.
  • We aim to provide children with an environment which nurtures them as individuals. We value all aspects of the curriculum and promote high expectations in all areas so that children can make the best possible progress.
  • Through a culture of care and teamwork in our school we aim to harness the enthusiasm of our children so that they develop a love of learning for life, discover their passions and develop the life skills needed to become effective citizens who make a positive contribution to society.
  • We want our children to develop an enduring belief in themselves so that they leave us with respect for themselves and for those around them, that they leave us with the ability of overcome setbacks and the belief that they can reach their potential and achieve their dreams.



Values are central to school life at Launcelot. We say that values are the big ideas that help us to live our lives. As a school community we have selected 6 core values which you will see displayed around the school as well as on the exterior railing to the school. We focus on one value each half-term, but use all the values consistently in our teaching and in our day-to-day interactions with the children. Our six values are: